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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  June 21, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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nd that is why we are there. >> my life is in danger. >> anyone who talks about the islamic religion is killed. >> don't miss the exclusive al jazeera investigation. >> i can't allow you not to go into that because that is your job. >> only on al jazeera america. this is the news hour live from london. coming up protests in germany after the arrest of a leading al jazeera journalist on a warrant issued by egypt. >> antiausterity demonstrations in greece to prevent a debt default standing together against racism. a historic black church reopens after a hate crime shooting that
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killed nine people. >> we are going to hold our elected officials and others accountable to do the right thing. >> and searching for water. nomads in northern mali roam across the land looking for water after a two-year drought. an al jazeera journalist is spending a second night in german custody after being moved to a berlin prison. he was detained at the request of the egyptian authorities who accused him of having harmed the reputation of egypt and of
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torture. he denies the charges which his lawyer says are politically motivated. >>reporter: amed was detained on saturday at the airport in berlin as he was about to board a flight to qatar. the arrest was made by germany's federal police who handed him over to state police in berlin. he issued a video message. >> unfortunately, the german authorities are handling this case in a very suspicious manner raising a lot of questions on its involvement and how they're collaborating with the military regime in egypt. >> testifies sentenced to 15 years in prison last year on the charge of torturing a lawyer in 2011. but when egypt asked interpol to issue a red notice international arrest warrant interpol refused. now it appears cairo has taken
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the direct route. >> it's impossible to have a man doing his job. he is leading programs on al jazeera. >> al jazeera's acting director general said in a statement the crackdown on journalists by egyptian authorities is unknown. our network is the arab world's most watched and has taken the bulk of this. he is one of the arab world's most respected journalists and must be released immediately. >> this case is fast becoming an international diplomatic incident. he holds joint british egyptian citizenship so the u.k. consul here have gotten involved and the german authorities having to explain why they issued an arrest warrant that interpol
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rejected. german politicians have also come out in support of the journalist tweeting german government must explain this arrest in berlin. highly questionable. the international federation of journalists and dozens of other human rights organizations have condemned his arrest. protesters have also joined in berlin to show their solidarity. the case goes before a judge on monday. paul brennan. greece is preparing for crisis negotiations in brussels on monday. the greek government says it's optimistic but many are concerned the country's economy is now well beyond their control. >>reporter: greeks have grown
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increasingly used to economic uncertainty but as the country braces for talks in brussels thousands gather in athens in solidarity. this could be the last chance to prevent greece defaulting on a $1.8 billion payment. we are in a state of great anxiety about tomorrow. no one knows what the lenders are going to decide. there is great uncertainty and nobody knows how it's going to end. >> earlier, greek cabinet ministers gathered to finalize a new proposal. among them the finance minister. greece's creditors, the imf, european commission and european central bank insist further austerity is vital.
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germany is demanding greece introduce urgent reforms in return for billions of dollars in financial aid. >> our stablization policy has worked in recent years in the european countries where reforms have been agreed to and implemented. >> but the suggested reforms include cuts to pipingss and some tax rises. something the greek government vows to resist. in the meantime, some greeks have started cautiously withdrawing their savings. international loans have kept the bank safe for now but time is running out. sunday's newspapers lead with ominous headlines. zero hour for greece reads this title. a time of anxiety and responsibility reads another. the country's left wing government promised a new deal ahead of monday and say there can't be any agreement that puts
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more greeks below the poverty line. as the prime minister leaves his office for belgium, he knows the next 24 hours will be crucial in prevent body greece from inching further towards bankruptcy. all eyes are now on brussels to see if the deadlock can be broken al jazeera is live in athens right now. john, we saw yet another antiausterity protest earlier. the greek government under real pressure not to give in to its creditors. >> that's right. and as you rightly said in that report there that we've just heard the uncertainty is killing this economy. it's not just people pulling their savings out of banks because they don't know if they're going to be shut on monday morning. it's also the fact that consumption has gone down the business cycle is growing smaller. companies are making less turnover on the domestic
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economy. people still can't get money out of banks in order to expand their businesses and there is the sense now that greece is doubly paying for this negotiation period that has gone on for five months. one is of course the first sense is that the greek government is financing both its domestic spending and the repayment of its creditors internationally and the other in which greece is paying is that the economy is suffering a shrinkage whereas some expansion had been hopeful this year of about two and a half%. instead we have continued recession. so the greeks really are out there on a limb. they are very much on their own. they do feel that they're battling against powerful creditors without much assistance from elsewhere and they do want to stay in europe and within the euro zone. but they feel they need a break. >> how you united is the party itself over the way the arguments and the debates have
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been had within europe about what greece should do? >>reporter: i think the picture has been very different in europe. elsewhere outside of greece. the greeks have had very negative publicity and that keeps coming back here and being reported on through the domestic media in greece. and greeks do somewhat understand that. they do have a sense that we owe other european taxpayers money and we do need to pay it back. we just need slightly better terms. we need a prolonged repayment period. that was something that the previous pro austerity, conservative and socialist coalition argued for and felt that they deserved. not only because they had passed a lot of the austerity measures creditors wanted and brought the budget back into balance and posted surpluses for two years running but also because that extended maturity on the loans was something creditors had promised in a november 2012
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agreement should greece reach primary surplus. creditors at first stalled saying yes but there is another condition which is that you must pass difficult reforms such as slimming down the state and tonight we saw how much resistance there is to that. but also there was if you remember the development of the european election which the conservatives didn't do very well in and european creditors then hedged and said well if the conservatives aren't going to be in power for another three years as planned and if ceasar is coming next year 2015 maybe we'll hedge and we'll sort of hold back on giving them their extended maturities just in case we're dealing with a much more difficult interloquator next year. and now they're simply very
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frustrated about it. >> thank you, john. so then a crucial week for both greece and europe. monday the prime minister of greece will meet eu leaders at that emergency summit in brussels. he'll also meet leaders from the imf and the european national bank. the real crunch date is june 30th when greece's bailout program expired. greece has to pay the ifm $1.8 billion or default on its debts. how likely is there to be a compromised deal on monday?
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>> it is very possible although that deal will not solve the greek problem, just postpone it. >> so a short term solution. >> it will be a short term solution simply because the greek debt is unsustainable and greece is an insolvent country. there can be no solution if at least 50% of the debt is not written off. it has to be written off. 50% of the debt at least and then the assistance coming from european partners from imf should go, a large part of it for development purposes. so we need to start development in greece. economic sustainable
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development. three or four percent, even a first year student of economics can understand that this debt cannot be ever paid with primary surpluses. simply cannot happen. >> so where -- what i'm saying is the reasons that it won't compromise on pension cuts et cetera, et cetera, where can it actually do anything to satisfy its creditors that it's doing its best to get out of this mess or is there no compromise whatsoever that creditors have to go along with what greece is saying or else default? >> there is a -- there are serious possibilities for an agreement. but, again, as i said it will be very provisional.
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if greece can start the process of privatization which is -- it can start doing that for a compromise solution but the creditors must agree to address the issue of writing off a large part of the debt. otherwise, in the long run, otherwise there can be no solution. it's not sustainable. the country has gone through a major -- more than 25% of its gdp. it's the only developed country with such a gdp contraction over a period of five years. now, it's just slightly above zimbabwe and ghana in that respect. so greece suffered a lot, the greek people. there is a limit to this suffering. >> who stands to lose the most should a deal not be done?
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>> i think the european union and the euro zone as a whole. and people don't talk much about the political about it. possibly outside the european union and then that will be a major distraction for nato and for european security as a whole. in a zone in which you have -- greece receives hundreds of refugees from syria every single day and so the destablization of the bulk of it is very possible if greece steps out of the european monetary union. that will be the first step towards a biggest catastrophe
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for the european union and nato. nobody mentions that. >> i'm glad you did. thank you so much for coming to the studio. thank you. >> you're welcome still to come on this news hour afghan forces launch a counteroffensive to retake a key northern district from the taliban. also in mexico's deserted towns where hundreds of thousands homes have been abandoned because of poor government planning. >> and a surprise at the world cup as the women from down under turn it upside down. the happy, emotional scenes at -- the emotional scenes at the u.s. church where nine were shot on wednesday reopens. dozens of churches across charleston rung their bells in
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unison. >>reporter: >>reporter: a murder scene for the past several days reopened as a powerful house of worship. the emmanuel ame church has seen a lot but never a day like this. the service was somber at times but largely up lifting in worship and song. a congregation that doesn't want to be defined by the shooting of nine people include most of the leadership as well as the senior pastor. >> we're open on this sunday and it sends a message to every demon in hell and on earth. no weapon formed against us shall prosper. >>reporter: the emotion inside harkened back to the truest history of the black church in america long a place of refuge and resistance in the most difficult moments going back to
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slavery. elsewhere in charleston there was a moment of silence and several dozen churches tolled their bells at the same time in solidarity. outside the church the pain of the inlet still very raw. several hundred people listened to the service overloud speakers who could not get a seat inside. >> all of my family is a member of this church. i'm here today to let everybody know this is a holy city and we're not going to get any evil take the city down. >>reporter: black, white, young, old, strangers consoled each other after what has been a painful week, one of the worst crimes ever in the city. this shooting brought to the forefront once again deep divisions that remain here in the south of america dealing with the controversial confederate flag racism and gun control. but today is about honoring those that lost their lives.
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>> i'm here because i can't think of any other place to be. >>reporter: why? >> to pay homage to the congregation. >>reporter: it surprised nobody here that a large number of white people came out to support the church. >> i think that charleston is a community that rallies when our neighbors meet us. >> coming together as a community, trying to do the right thing and move forward. >>reporter: as the service ended, they hugged hoping to spread the spirit of resilience not only here but beyond. al jazeera charleston south carolina the search for two convicts who escaped a new york prison has shifted after a possible sighting. they've been on the run for 16 days. searchings are honing in on an area north of the pennsylvania border.
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the state police officer says the sighting is unconfirmed but credible. >> we interviewed the witness at length and the determination was made that this investigation lead should be investigated. approximately 300 members of federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies were brought in for the search. a secure perimeter was established around the area of the sighting and road blocks were set up along route 20 in the towns of friendship and amity and at exits 29 and 30 on i-86 where police checked vehicles. aviation canine and special operations teams were called in to assist with this search. >> an israeli policeman has been stabbed in the neck in one of the main entrances to jerusalem. he is in serious condition in israel.
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iran's parliament has overwhelmingly voted to block foreign access to its military documents and scientists. negotiations are continuing aimed at restricting the country's nuclear program in exchange for eased sanctions. the u.s. state department said it is a key part of any final agreement afghanistan's army has launched a counteroffensive to retake a key district in the north from taliban fighters. earlier the group took control of an area just outside a provincial capital. jennifer glass has the latest from kabul. >>reporter: this is the front line. afghan army and police on one side of the river. the taliban on the other. the taliban controls charter
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district just a few kilometers from the provincial capital. it's the first time it's been able to seize an entire district. the army has sent reinforcements. this is the first year afghan forces are fighting on their own without nato support and they're struggling. >> we don't have air support. we only have ground troops. we don't have proper weapons, only m-16s. you fire three bullets and the gun jams. but whatever we have we'll fight to the last drop of blood. >>reporter: this is now home to thousands of family who fled from nearby villages when the taliban started fighting in the province in april. the taliban takeover came hours after a roadside bomb killed several people insouthern afghanistan. many of them children. >> those killed in this incident were my family members including my nephews, niece, and my brother's wives. >> no one has claimed responsibility for this attack
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but the taliban routinely plants bombs along roads. as ramadan begins the taliban is intensifying its attacks. fighters from the islamic state of iraq and the levant have planted land mines and ex-employeesives explosives around the ancient site of palmera in syria. a suicide attack has been launched in the -- a heavy exchange of gun fire followed in which two attackers were shot
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dead. the third was a suicide bomber. for years, northern mali has been enduring a drought. hundreds of thousands face starvation there. security and survival are closely linked. >>reporter: two years without rain in this part of northern mali have killed the only source of living. they're facing the challenge. he roams the land along with his
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family in search of less drought stricken areas. >> we go back and forth searching for grazing land. we know there's no grass so we at least look for green trees. >>reporter: after each trip in the scorching heat of june his wife puts up the family tent again. their children are hungry and thirsty. they all have to wait to try to find water fetched by donkies from far away. >> a camel has to walk hundreds of
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meters. the army in mali kills our people. there's no grass in moretania. our animals are dying here. >> not far from here there's similar conditions also severely affected by droughts. >>reporter: now they cannot go there anymore for another reason which is the lack of security. instead, they're now crossing into the capital knowing they won't be able to find grass but at least they can find security. still to come on this news hour a new way of curbing the trafficking of luxury items.
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plus in azerbaijan pressure on women to have sons could have great consequences for society. >> and in sport, korea helps pakistan to victory.
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>> shot dead and the government does nothing. >> they teach you how to eliminate people? >> ya. >> we've done it and that is why we are there. >> my life is in danger. >> anyone who talks about the islamic religion is killed. >> don't miss the exclusive al jazeera investigation. >> i can't allow you not to go into that because that is your job. >> only on al jazeera america.
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welcome back to the news hour. al jazeera journalist is spending a second night in german custody in berlin at the request of the egyptian authorities. al jazeera is calling for his immediate release the greece protesters have been protesting antiausterity measures outside parliament. >> and the south carolina church where nine african-americans were shot dead on wednesday has reopened to worshippers. let's return to our top story now. that is the arrest of amed
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monsur. thank you for being with us on the program. how will it be decided in germany whether he should be extradited to egypt? >> well from what i understand there will be a hearing tomorrow, a preliminary hearing with a judge looking at the legality of the egyptian request. this is an egyptian request. egypt has issued an arrest warrant for his arrest and has asked the german authorities to arrest him when they found out he was in germany. they convicted him in absentia last year. the trial was held without him or any representatives of his own choosing there according to the european convention of human
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rights. i have not found anything in my research that would make me believe there's a treaty. usually the treaty is the starting point. so if there is one they have to go to the second stage which is examine the legality of the conviction to see if it happened before a competent court of law and if it happened according to all the principles recognized by the european convention of human rights and also the german constitution which has very strong safeguards and guarantees for fair trial rights of accused people. so there are lots of questions here. >> how unusual do you think it would be -- >> do you want me to go on? >> -- for a western country to comply with such a request from egypt? >> i think it would be quite
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unusual. because, i mean the european countries like north american countries have a strong rule of law regime under which i mean you don't do anything like that unless it's really i mean based on the law and on the legality of such a request. and without such a treaty i mean to me it just should die right there and i haven't found a treaty. i have found an economic development treaty between germany and egypt but i have not found -- which doesn't mean it doesn't exist -- an extradition treaty. i have seen that there's no such treaty between the u.k. and egypt which leads me to believe there may not be such a treaty between germany and egypt. so the request is not so unusual. i mean they can make the request they want and i guess the minute they make a request as a sovereign state germany out of respect has to examine the legality of their demands so that's why they held mr. mansur.
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but, i mean they have to go further than that. germany is a strong rule of law country. i assume the judge will look at all these facts and the law and see that there's no legal basis for such an extradition. further more he is also a u.k. citizen. so he's protected doubly by the european convention on human rights from being a european citizen and from being on european soil when he was arrested. >> all right. it is of course a story that we at al jazeera will be monitoring closely. but for a moment, thank you for much for joining us from new york there. thank you. the mexican government started building affordable homes over a decade ago to address a national housing deficit. now many of the neighborhoods are empty riddled with unemployment and crime. here's a report on why people are choosing to leave their homes. >>reporter: a house with no one
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to call it home. hundreds of thousands of them commissioned by the government for working class buyers in the middle of nowhere. most of her neighbors are gone but she's holding on. >> it's really frustrating that i leave at 5:30 in the morning and still get to work late. >>reporter: the government thought building huge out of town developments would solve the country's housing deficit. but they neglected to put in the metro or bus lines that would enable workers to get to their jobs. a fatal mistake. these neighborhoods even though many are in the middle of nowhere were seen as a great idea for many poor mexicans finally able to afford their own house. but a lack of basic infrastructure and public transport have led to many simply being forced to abandon their homes. mexico's last census in 2010
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found 5 million abandoned houses. many of them out of town estates. since they've emptied, crime has grown. >> there are people without work. young people here fall into drug addiction so they rob people's houses. >>reporter: but one company is turning the failure of the government's plan into an opportunity. he remodels abandoned houses for profit but also invests in the community helping clean up public spaces and supporting the local police's youth activity program. they say saving them is possible. >> more people will want to live here meaning better social capital and that's just good business. >>reporter: the model seems to be working in the developments they work in crime is down and house sales are up.
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but there's a notable lack of similar government programs elsewhere. and without them the mass exodus from the middle of nowhere continues. tens of thousands of haitians face an uncertain future in the dominican republic after failing to file for legal residency before last wednesday. >>reporter: this is the friendship bridge that connects the dominican republic and haiti. both countries say they're going to be -- the dominicans say they're going to build a detention center and the haitians are going to build a reception center.
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at this time we're not seeing any massive deportations by the dominican government. it would create economic havoc for the country since it relies so much on the workforce of haitian migrants. still some 200,000 people are at risk of deportation and the people who are unable to file paperwork by the wednesday deadline forcing sporatic individual cases of deportation. two prison guards have been arrested in lebanon accused of torturing inmates at the country's most notorious prison. a day after video emerged on youtube which shows prisoners being kicked and beaten with a plastic rod. several palestinians are there accused of taking part of the 2007 battle for lebanon there's an unmanned israeli
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drone that's crashed into mountains. video has emerged showing smoke from an explosion. it's believed the explosion was forced by an israeli jet bombing the drone crash site. flooding has forced hundreds of people from their homes in new zealand. a state of emergency is in place. one town has been badly affected with its river breaching its banks and spilling out. south korea believes the mers outbreak is showing signs of subsiding. a disease that killed 25 people was first confirmed on may 20th. the who says seoul is now on good footing after an initial slow response to the outbreak. thailand has strengthened its antitrafficking law to help curb the illegal ivory trade
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using new tactics to show it is making progress in the fight against traffickers. here's this report report. >>reporter: thousands registered their ivory. the weight size shape all documented 150 tons of it. it was part of a month-long am necessity program earlier in the year under the country's new ivory act that started in january. african ivory is illegal in thailand so people who registered their goods would not be charged. >> thai people see -- this makes them believe that any ivory products are sacred also. >>reporter: trade of asian ivory is legal. but it takes an expert with scientific equipment to determine the difference between asian and african ivory. elephants and their ivory are
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not only sacred here. they play a large role in regional country. only asian male elephants grow tusks. african ivory is grown by both sexes. demand is much larger than the supply. this is a nonprofit organization that works to expose and combat illegal wild life trafficking. they feel there could be a total ban on ivory trading in thailand because it's so difficult to tell the difference and it's a trade that's booming. >> we're seeing this kind of growing demand in luxury items that are often wild life products and often products from endangered species because they're endangered they're harder to get and therefore hold a higher status. >>reporter: some buyers feel the registration will help reduce the slaughter of elephants but side step blame.
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>> we don't know the story behind the ivory. we don't know if elephants were killed for their tusks. you can't blame the buyers. >>reporter: thailand is also used as a pass through country for regional trade. seven tons of african ivory was seized in the past three weeks. activists feel this is a step down the path to curb supply. but some feel if the desire for ivory is not reduced through awareness, the supply will continue to find its way to those who believe prestige can be purchased. now the first european games are currently being held in azerbaijan. a fast developing country keen to display its wealth to the world. but behind the glamour, the country also has one of the highest selective abortion rates in the world. parents can terminate a pregnancy based on the sex of
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their unborn child. >>reporter: she's been abandoned by her husband and his family. she didn't want to give her name but her crime is the child she's expecting any day now is a girl. >> they said we'll kick you out on the street if you don't have an abortion but i said i don't care. i'm keeping the baby. >>reporter: her case is extreme but not unique. many women choose abortion simply because they're having a girl. azerbaijan has one of the highest selective abortion rates in the world. the ratio of girls to boys born in 2014 was 100 to 115. >> there are lots of reasons why it's quite common. this register culturally is quite male dominated and there are other pressures. families are getting smaller meaning fewer boys and as the prenatal technology to identify gender becomes more widely
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accessible, demand for selective abortion grows. >>reporter: law makers say they're doing what they can to tackle the problem >> all women have the right to have an abortion but to protect against sex selection we wanted to ban abortion after three months without a doctor's consent. i'm one of the biggest supporters of educating people because the law doesn't always solve the problem. >>reporter: she works with vulnerable women and says the problem runs deep. >> i think society needs to change its perception of women. the understanding that a girl is evil to the world needs to change and overall the perception of a woman's role in society has to change. >>reporter: the united nations warns that as well as a dangerous population imbalance, huge number of missing women in society could lead to more prostitution human trafficking,
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and gender violence. still ahead on the program pope francis pays his respects before the controversial burial plot that many catholics believe bears the image of jesus christ and double joy. two wins in a day.
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entertaining. talk to al jazeera. only on al jazeera america. hello again. pope francis has denounced corruption and spoken out about the polite of migrants during a
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visit to the italian city of turin. he was there to pray at the turin shroud. >>reporter: the pope became the latest of hundreds of thousands of pilgrims to venerate the piece of cloth believed to display the face of christ. in the still dimness, the leader of more than a billion roman catholics paused for a moment in silent prayer. the shroud is believed to have covered the body of jesus after the crucifixion. outside the church large crowds gathered to hear the pope speak. turin is a major car manufacturing city. the pope denounced the
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exploitation of workers. >> we say no to corruption that is so widespread that it seems to be an attitude. normal behavior. but not in words, rather in deeds. we say no to collusion, fraud, bribes and the like. the pope went on to speak about the plight of migrants. immigration increases competition. migrants shouldn't be blamed because they're themselves victims of the economy. >> skeptics say the turin vote is a medieval forgery. it's time for sports now. >> thank you very much.
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both drivers fortunately unhurt after that. hamilton did reclaim the lead. his hopes were ended though leaving the championship runner up to claim victory. >> it's an awesome feeling of course to win again here. very, very happy. now the start of the race. it was a great start. and then i've managed to defend in the first couple of corners and then i really just tried to push flat out this time and i was really happy with the car and to see the gap open up. really worked out
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perfectly today australia through to their first quarter finals in the women's world cup after pulling off one of the biggest shocks of the tournament beating brazil. brazil went into the race with a perfect three wins against three. >> it's such a milestone in our
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career. the people that doubted us we proved them wrong and just continually kept progressing and playing positive futbol. i'm so proud of the girls. i have such a smile on my face. like australia, england's women secure their first ever win. they faced norway in the last 16 on monday. >> it's a unique opportunity. we have an opportunity that we haven't had in the past and
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haven't been able to pass that hurdle. it's a huge sense of opportunity. he racks up a win to -- >> i always enjoy coming back
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and it's the perfect tournament to prepare for wimbeldon. this year i think they were better than usual. normally they're fantastic. it was a very good week and nice to finish it with a win. >> federer is also in winning form. >> he is the one that kills australia for me so it's okay. those matches happen. i'm very very pleased. onward
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tomorrow. most are making them the favorites after they won 5-nil at home two years ago. they haven't won in england since 2001 and the home team has shown some signs of
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improvement. we played well against the west indes. it was nice to win those two test matches. >> and that's sports. now, millions of people around the world have been marking international yogurt day. around the world, more than 170 nations have held their own events. >> it was a sea of people. nearly 40,000 bending, twisting and trying to get their way at
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the largest yoga demonstration at a venue. >> not only is it the beginning of celebration but the beginning of a new era to train the human mind with peace, goodwill and to reach high goals. >> many perform yoga for its health and healing benefits. she was in an accident that damaged her ability to walk or stand properly. >> my endurance increased and there was a lot of the clarity of mind. i feel it works very subtly it changes the way you think. >> and the government is hoping the international day of yoga makes the ancient indian practice even more popular. just as there's more to yoga than complicated exercise moves, there's more to international yoga day to setting a record.
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although yoga originates in india, not every indian believes yoga is for them. >> for those used to spending time behind a desk instead of on a yoga match, the day is meant to encourage physical fitness. but some minorityies say the government is also using the occasion to impose hindu religious events on them by making yoga events mandatory for students and federal workers. >>reporter: the government says yoga is not mandatory and that yoga day is simply meant to promote a healthy life tile and a country's image around the world. there are plenty of other international stories of course on our website. that's what the front page looks like for now at
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and that's it from the news hour but i'm back with more in a couple minutes.
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tonight in our debate does america need to spy on its own people? and later in our panel, is congress broken because politicians care more about their own ambitions than passing bills that actually help the country. and indicted by the international criminal court but still free what does it take to get arrested for crimes against humanity? this is third rail.


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